Golden Avenue Public School Home

Firefighters’ National Memorial Day

Flags are flown at half-mast on Firefighters’ National Memorial Day in honour of those who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

This day also recognizes the bravery, courage and commitment of firefighters who help to protect, save lives, and keep our communities and country safe.

Mennonite Heritage Week

Across Canada, the second week of each September celebrates Mennonite Heritage Week. This week recognizes the contributions that Mennonites have made in Canada.

International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day (ILD) is celebrated around the world each year on September 8! The 2024 theme for ILD is “Promoting multilingual education: Literacy for mutual understanding and peace,” which highlights the transformative potential of literacy.

Click the title to learn more.

About Our School

Principal: Shane Rentelis
Golden Avenue Public School continues to provide specialized programming for students with autism, and continues to be a place where"all students can succeed given time and support". The well-maintained, two-level building houses primary students on the lower level and junior students on the upper main level.